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Algae scrubber and a Herbie over flow

Discussion in 'Algae Scrubber DIY' started by xrayjeeper83, Feb 7, 2016.

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  1. xrayjeeper83

    xrayjeeper83 New Member

    I'm building a 65g tank, I really want to run a Herbie overflow but also want to run my AS right off the overflow. Can anyone help me out as to if its possible and any tips to setting it up?
  2. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    It works well because the emergency drain can take the excess flow if the scrubber growth slows the flow down a bit. The slot doesn't let air intrude into the siphon line because it's not a wide open pipe. The emergency also serves the purpose it's made for in the event of a clog. This all assumes you set it up properly of course.

    Without a Herbie or BeanAnimal overflow, you would either want a second drain that (ideally) can handle 100% flow on it's own, or have a bypass setup of some kind (that does not allow the system to siphon back when not intended)

    Clog Prevention
  3. xrayjeeper83

    xrayjeeper83 New Member

    Awesome, I plan on using a 3/4 pipe for the main drain and a 1" for the emergabcy sonit should handle all the flow no problems

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