Algae scrubber not getting the growth I expected

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by RIGFISHER, Jan 20, 2018.

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  1. I have had a algae scrubber running for a little over a year now it gets a nice thick green coat of hair algae but not the fluffy Turf algae I see in the pictures how can I get it to grow a thick Turf algae
  2. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    Can you post a pic and some more information about your tank and scrubber?

    Things like:

    Tank size & livestock
    Feeding amount/day
    Screen size
    Lighting (photoperiod, intensity, light type/brand/etc)
    How often you harvest, and how aggressive you clean the screen
    plus pics, lots of pics, from different angles, before/after if you have them

    Here to help! I'm in/out today so it might be a day until I get back to you
  4. Aquarium 125 1 1/5yr old
    Naso Tang
    Purple tang
    Fox face
    Orchid dottyback
    3 Margarita Cardinals
    Marine betta
    Yellow Watchman goby and pistol shrimp
    Lawnmower blenny
    Sea cucumber
    2 sand sifting Stars
    Coral beauty
    Yellow tang
    7 animes of varying types
    I feed only dry play Simple it every now and then some Frozen
    Flow through the algae scrubber is 410 gallons an hour the screen is 12in by 14 in
    It has 4 30 watt grow lights

    Attached Files:

  5. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    I think this got auto-corrected? For the feeding, can you break it down by how much you feed per day or each type?

    See this for an idea of what I'm asking for:

    Algae Scrubber Basics - Planning Your Algae Scrubber


    The new rule is based on cube-equivalent amount of food fed daily, regardless of how many gallons you have in the system. You need 12 square inches of screen illuminated on BOTH SIDES with a total of 12 watts of fluorescent light for 18 hours/day for each cube-equivalent fed into the system per day. That means 6 watts per side of real wattage, not equivalent wattage. LED wattage is addressed separately as it has a different set of rules.

    The cube-equivalent is defined as any ONE of the following:

    1 frozen cube
    10 pinches of flake food
    10 square inches (60 sq cm) of nori
    0.1 dry ounce (2.8 grams) of pellet food
    3.25 mL of liquid coral food

    If you feed something else and are having a hard time determining the cube-equivalent, then take the daily amount of food, put it in a blender with some water and puree it well, then strain it using a coffee filter (or a rotifer sieve if you happen to have a spare one laying around) and pour the food into an empty Ocean Nutrition or other cube-type food tray, and you will have the cube-equivalent for that amount of food.
  6. I feed 4 large pinches of pellet food 1 pinch of flake food and 24 square inch of nori daily once a weak frozen
    Sorry about that earlier autocorrect did not notice it
  7. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    Maybe 1-2 cubes, depending on the weight
    2.5 cubes
    How much per week? Probably not a huge factor

    Overall I'd say you're at 4-5 cubes/day on average

    That's a large screen, 14 cubes/day, but

    Algae Scrubber Basics - Lighting: LED
    So 120W of off-the-shelf lighting at 0.25W/SI, that's for 30 sq in of screen, but that type of fixture might be on the higher end
    which would make it 2x that or for 60 sq in of screen, that's probably more accurate here. But the screen is 168 sq in so no matter how you look at it, the screen is probably under-lit, which is fine, you just would de-rate it down to the lighting, or about 5 cubes/day

    That's not written in stone, every scrubber is different. What would be helpful is pics of a full screen of algae before/after you harvest.
    RIGFISHER likes this.
  8. I am sorry but I am confused you say I need a a half of what per square inch perseid and I am running 60 watts on each side which equals 120 watts that would give me 240 square inches correct . And I will gladly post pictures next Sunday when I clean it. I am considering building a new one but if I don't have to it would be nice but I would like it to handle up to eight cubes of food a day I appreciate all the help you're giving me thank you
  9. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    OMG I'm a total moron today.

    0.25W/sq in x 168 sq in = 42W for low, 84 for good level, I had that totally backwards. Ugh

    The only addendum to that is that you need to use the actual wattage drawn by the fixture, not the "rating" - because of this:

    I'm not sure if you have a link to that fixture where it lists the actual watt usage, but that's the number you would have to go by

    More in a minute, I have to take care of something
  10. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    Ok, sorry...had to attend to a sick dog (back injury)

    So with the lighting being more likely to match the screen, that's a slightly different situation.

    the other piece of info I don't have is the photoperiod - how many hours/day do you run the lights?

    Regarding the flow:
    You're good there with 12 x 35 = 420 GPH, this is just a general target, you can operate over a rather wide range. Generally you are wanting to match intensity and flow as those are "instantaneous" factors (with respect to photosynthesis) and this is tricky to do without dimming. So that could be part of this.

    Now, going back to the original question...let's take a step back and I'll ask this:

    How's your tank?

    That's what matters. If the scrubber is doing the job, then you really don't have to worry much about the exact type of growth you are getting. "Chasing Algae" is a term that I just coined right now with this post. World's First use of that term lol (inside joke). It's similar to "Chasing pH" - if you know what that means, then "Chasing Algae" will make sense...trying to get the "right" growth just for the sake of growing it isn't :p

    The "fluffy" growth, or thick mat growth, might be a result of a particular tank/scrubber combination, or a particular design. So you might have room to optimize, if nothing else.

    But if your tank is free of nuisance algae and nutrients are under control, fish and corals are happy - you might just stay the course.

    However if you still have issues, then it's worth digging a bit deeper

    You're welcome!
  11. Yes and my nitrates are high around 45 right now this just started the last few months and has been keeping up fine till then I realize I'm probably overfeeding but I'm trying to dial it in I've added some new fish but I don't think the tanks overstocked this is why I'm considering building a new scrubber I rather have something that is overkill then not enough what kind of Lights would you suggest the ones I have on my scrubber now or just eBay specials
  12. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    What about this?
  13. 16hr on 8 off
  14. 16 on 8 off
  15. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    No "burnt" spots or "bare" patches in front of the center of the LED chips?

    Growth overall has been pretty consistent from one harvest cycle to the next?
  16. I put a piece of black screen right in front of the LED chip to stop that from happening is not happen since I put it there but last night I took it off to see if anything has changed since I have more nutrient in the water
  17. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    How large of a piece? Was that happening initially, is that why you put it there?
  18. Yes it was burning out the middle didn't matter how long I had the lights on as soon as I put that screen there it stopped and had full growth all over the whole algae screen
  19. What kind of Lights would I use to build a new one a lot larger and stronger where I can feed my fish what I feel is appropriate or where can I purchase a large unit for a reasonable price
  20. Also if I build a new one can I just make it tall with eight lights on it instead of making it short and wide

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