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Discussion in 'Experimental Scrubber Concepts' started by Garf, Jun 13, 2013.

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  1. Garf

    Garf Member Trusted Member

    Hopefully in this photo, you can see epiphytic algae growing on the green filamentous stuff. Hey presto, a 3D screen;

  2. Garf

    Garf Member Trusted Member

    This thing is growing like crazy now. After another 6 hours;

  3. Garf

    Garf Member Trusted Member

    Bought an ipad light meter app (not the most accurate probably, I would admit) and measured the light output at screen distance from light source and it's 650ft candles (7000 lux), almost identicle to the LEDS I've been using at the same distance. If we assume the photosaturation constant at 400ft candles, then this screen cannot be light limited, either with LEDS or MH at a distance of 8 inches.
  4. Garf

    Garf Member Trusted Member

    Well, it's not died yet. I figure the test will be to see how it grows back after harvest;

  5. Kerry

    Kerry Member Trusted Member Customer

    Very nice!!
  6. Garf

    Garf Member Trusted Member

    Cheers Kerry, it does seem to grow rather well at the minute, now for the first of the regrowth test pics;


    Seem to be able to let this screen grow 3 weeks between harvest without detachment, perhaps because blue penetrates better or perhaps it's because I've controlled the water depth better, maintaining 3 inches. Either way the growth on the screen is still alive, even with a bit of red turf appearing. First two weeks was 87 watt cheap Chinese grow lights;

    IAmNotGr33n likes this.
  7. Garf

    Garf Member Trusted Member

    After some research on light intensity I have concluded that I will not be able to over light this screen. So I've raised the screen to within 3 inches of the light, and raised the sump level to accommodate (it's only a slow flow through sump so if the return pump fails, increase in sump level is only 5mm or so).This Metal Halide is pumping out 13000 lumens at the centre of the screen and as far as I can tell, this is 182uE. This level is probably around the saturation level (although not maximum growth which is 6 times higher).

    This pic at 14 days but only one day with higher screen;

  8. Peter

    Peter Member Trusted Member Customer

    This is really good growth for 14 days in new scrubbing approach. Great job!
  9. Garf

    Garf Member Trusted Member

    Cheers Peter. I think this screens ability to cope with 10 ml cubes a day is a start but it could do so much more, if needed. Scrubbing capability should be a function of screen size multiplied by available light (on this screen anyway).
  10. Garf

    Garf Member Trusted Member

    A couple of days into a cleaned screen (got rid of the cable ties) and oxygen production is certainly higher than ever before. Oxygen production = photosynthesis = happy bunny;

  11. Garf

    Garf Member Trusted Member

    Decided that the pump may be overkill on my screen so I've decided to turn it off and just rely on the very small amounts of flow from my display overflow pipe. This is only a few days with such low flow but going to clean the screen today and see if there is any noticeable difference in growth.

  12. trivodi

    trivodi Member

    Are you still using this scrubber if so how is it working?
  13. Megatron1968

    Megatron1968 Member Customer

    Yes mate still using. ...the best thing I have ever brought for my tank
  14. trivodi

    trivodi Member

    Hey Garf
    What size screen would I need for 2 cubes a day if I was to make a horizontal scrubber like yours? Would 50 sq inches be enough?

    Also are you still using this horizontal scrubber?

  15. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    Matt Berry likes this.
  16. vereecjw

    vereecjw New Member

    Garf, are you lighting only from the top?
    I may be missing the post (in which case I apologize), but I am wondering about doing a similar design with lights on both the top and bottom.

    The big advantage (only real advantage) that I saw, is that it would stay wet during a power outage. However, you seem to be having fantastic results.

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