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Combination ATS & UAS?

Discussion in 'Experimental Scrubber Concepts' started by Fishnbirds, Mar 1, 2016.

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  1. Fishnbirds

    Fishnbirds New Member

    I hope this isnt a dumb question but has anyone tried a waterfall scrubber and instead of just ending an inch or so in the water going down so you have a submerged screen with an airstone at the bottom and of course lighting for the waterfall portion and for the submerged portion. Have no idea if this would work just have read threads on how different algaes grow on the 2 different setups and that pods seem to produce better on the UAS so would it work to construct a combination scrubber that would then have the best of both?
  2. Fishnbirds

    Fishnbirds New Member

    I hope this isnt a dumb question but has anyone tried a waterfall scrubber and instead of just ending an inch or so in the water going down so you have a submerged screen with an airstone at the bottom and of course lighting for the waterfall portion and for the submerged portion. Have no idea if this would work just have read threads on how different algaes grow on the 2 different setups and that pods seem to produce better on the UAS so would it work to construct a combination scrubber that would then have the best of both?
  3. Matt Berry

    Matt Berry Active Member Trusted Member

    It would work in theory.
    You should still get a tonne of pods from the waterfall scrubber alone, so unless you have lots of mandarin dragonets/pipefish etc and therefore require tonnes of pods, I would just stick with a waterfall only scrubber. UAS scrubbers don't tend to perform that great, not compared to a waterfall scrubber anyway.
  4. Fishnbirds

    Fishnbirds New Member

    Ok..thank you. Just have one mandarin so i am going to stick with the waterfall only. Finally got the last few pieces i needed to build it so hopefully by tommorrow this time it will be up and running!
  5. Matt Berry

    Matt Berry Active Member Trusted Member

    Nice. Post some pics when it's up so we can check it out :)
  6. Fishnbirds

    Fishnbirds New Member

    I will definitely do that! Ty!!
  7. Fishnbirds

    Fishnbirds New Member

    Ok finally got it built...will start running it in the morning when glue is dry. Pump will sit to the side. Lights are 23 watt cfl 2700k soft light mounted in the biggest domes they had. Will be one on each side 4" from the screen planning on lighting a 4"x6" area even though the screen is longer but has to make it tall enough so the lighted/growing area was abouve the sides of the sump to get good coverage. Was thinking about lining the inside of the domes with foil as they arent shiny, more of a dull metal. Would this help spread the light? I hope this link for the pic works...usually just upload pics but it wont let me do it that way.

  8. Fishnbirds

    Fishnbirds New Member

    Ok i think i got the pic in the post this time... 1457156459963-1.jpg
  9. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    That looks sturdy!!

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