CTS90 member at algae scrubber net

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kerry, Apr 15, 2014.

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  1. Kerry

    Kerry Member Trusted Member Customer

  2. Yes, I saw the posts. He seems to be doing his homework. Hopefully he will find his way here as well.
  3. Kerry

    Kerry Member Trusted Member Customer

    I hope he does, at the time I could not PM him due to him only having one post.
  4. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    I would really like to contribute a few things as well, so I do also hope he finds his way here. I know that @Ace25 might have a few helpful insights as well.

    One thing he is mentioning that I find interesting is the far red discussion. I have not read much about this and hardly have the time to. But in my research regarding 630 (Chl B) and 660 (Chl A) I found information that basically said that Chl B was sort of a sunrise/sunset spectrum, or "cloudy day" spectrum that was really a secondary source in lower light intensity conditions, and the the deep red 660nm light was more prevalent during post-sunrise and pre-sunset (including peak daylight) conditions, so it was the primary source of energy (light). I believe the concept was that the deep red does not penetrate through the atmosphere as well during the sunrise/sunset periods, so plants would then utilize the B spectrum during those times. That seems to conflict with the idea of using a far red spectral source near the end of the daily light cycle, as this would logically be even less able to penetrate than 660nm deep red. So I am curious about where exactly that thought process is coming from
  5. Kerry

    Kerry Member Trusted Member Customer

    I to found this interesting and always thought the best choice was the 660nm as well. Perhaps the 630nm just aids this function a little like the 445nm does. While we are on this subject what are your thoughts on adding a 417nm UV to the scrubber? I never really thought about this until I put my new DIY display LED with UV on the 40G. I have some algae in the DT due to my scrubber pump becoming restricted. Since I have cleared this restriction the algae has been reseeding slowly as anticipated however, since I have installed the new DT LED with UV this reseeding has almost stopped so I have waited a couple extra days before cleaning my screen. Well today I have cleaned it and was wondering if this newly added UV was slowing the reduction of algae in the DT. You would think the UV would slow this algae growth but I am uncertain and have been thinking I should add a UV to the one side of the screen as a test.

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