Hi all, newbie scrubber, veteran aquarist here, need help with acronyms

Discussion in 'New Members' started by semiroundel, Mar 30, 2020.

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  1. semiroundel

    semiroundel New Member

    Hi all, I started my aquarium in 1996, and it's still there.
    Because of the fact that I designed it to go on a living room unit (albeit on brackets bolted to the wall, making it looks like it's sat on the unit), it's longish and shallow.
    The dimensions are: 1600mm long, 400mm wide, and 540mm high (480mm water height) litre capacity 307L
    There is a sump with trickle tower capacity around 20L.
    I had the aquarium running until around 8 years ago when after the last piece of livestock died, and because I didn't want to lose the coralline algae, I kept the pumps/heater running all this time, albeit without lighting.
    My wife constantly reproached me about "not doing anything with the tank" and urged me to get rid of it, the problem being that it was designed around a plenum system that consisted of the what was then the marine version of an undergravel filter, this has to be sucked out whilst keeping the water level high to keep whatever is living in there, alive.
    I see micro snails and copepods around the aquarium and of course there's the rock which might still be living.
    I will post some pics, it's a little embarrasing because the tank has been left fallow for so long, but I know that people like to see the progress as it unfolds, so my next post I will do that.
    I didn't have an algae scrubber before and infrequent water changes meant that the "old" aquarium" was not a success, this one will be.
    To kick off though, coulkd someone please type out a list of acronyms?
    I thought that algae scrubber was ATS but I've seen that acronym in the same sentence as algae scrubber so not so sure.
    Glad to be here. Jules
  2. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    ATS = Algal Turf Scrubber = Algae Scrubber :)
  3. semiroundel

    semiroundel New Member

    Thanks Bud, POG?
  4. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    I'm not familiar with that one

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