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LED questions

Discussion in 'Algae Scrubber DIY' started by d0lph1n, Feb 17, 2016.

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  1. I'll post new photos as soon as it's ready for testing, probably this weekend. The driver is dimmable, I've used it before on a previous diy built based on Philips leds. Meantime, I've ordered some deep reds and royal blues from Steve.
  2. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    If you can switch your order to SemiLED Hyper Violets, I would.
  3. They shipped it this morning. I have 2 drivers, I'll put the blues on a separate channel and adjust their intensity. I'm planning to use the blues only 1h before and after the deep red cycle, is that ok?
  4. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    I think I would do the opposite, but then again, never tried that.
  5. What do you mean?
  6. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    reds first. blues/violets are only supplementary bandwidth
  7. I hope you'll have a better understanding of my madness. I've been running tests and the beanoverflow with d0lph1n mod ;) is dead silent.

    As for the Ats, there should be enough (7-8 x 9-10)space between the 2 vertical pipes.

    The water will come via 1 inch hole from skimmer's box and via the right vertical pipe which is collecting water for 1/3rd bottom and is as tall as the water level in the tank (see tunze overflow box)

    I will mount the led's on the outside wall by drilling a big hole or smaller individual holes which i'll cover with transparent plexi, water proof but the water should never reach that level.

    - The submerged outlet doesn't need a "siphon".
    - The safety pipe will be connected via bulkhead at the proper level on the vertical wall between wave box and ats.

    image.jpeg image.jpeg
  8. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    Ok it makes more sense now. I'm not sure how well it will work once you get it installed, the siphon being below the waterfall might entrain air so I would add an double elbow and tuck that in the corner (upper right area of pic #1) to help. A false bottom panel will help a lot also. I think you might find that you need to have the downturned elbow on the siphon

    Also not sure how emergency operation will work, but it should work. I just see that with the S and OC on the one side, water would have to rise pretty high up to get to the E level on the other side of the barrier, and before that point, hydraulic pressure would convert the OC to siphon and flush out the box. So there may be some startup issues.

    Quite the special case for a BA setup. Don't post this on the RC thread, Uncleof6 would probably be a real jerk to you and tell you it's not going to work and to just do it like the first post says LOL
  9. You are right about the emergency pipe, i'll bring it lower via a bulkhead on the divider.

    I don't understand why the fully submerged outlet needs a "siphon". Please let me know. According to my tests, it doesn't.
  10. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    That's the main purpose behind the BeamAnimal Silent and Failsafe Overflow system. The main line runs at full siphon (tuned), and the Open Channel pipe (with the airline) allows for the siphon to operate within a range for flow variances and water levels
  11. Right, but being fully submerged means the main line in siphon mode by default. By tuning it you, you restrict the water flow until the hight of the water column reaches the open channel and water remaing water flows via the open channel. I get that.

    What i don't get is why the main line has to have the u shape if it's submerged and restricted.
  12. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    Technically it doesn't but if you are pulling enough flow and the water above it is not high enough it will vortex and suck air. Also the downturn helps prevent blockage
  13. The LEDs arrived yesterday. I'll post new photos soon.
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  14. I was able to finish the scrubber last night. It's 7 x 10 inch. I've also followed your advice and brought the safety pipe at a lower level. It's on the divider now. You can see in the video below. It's been running for 48h wihtout issues. This is the final test before adding the LEDs by the end of the week.

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  15. I was able to finish the leds today, made a hole in the back wall and i've been running some temp tests at 100% power to check the cooling capacity of my super flat passive heatsink (12x24).

    Attached Files:

  16. This was the final test. Thank you for your support.


    Attached Files:

    IMUG, danmgray and Turbo like this.
  17. I'm not sure, if you'll find this info useful or not, during the LED wiring....I had a hard time soldering the wires to the led star bcz the LEDs were already mounted on the heatsink. I've used a 15W iron.... outrageous results... I've used a gas iron... nope...I used a 150w Radio Shack..too hot..but if you minimize the soldering time, and prep the surfaces properly..it's doable without damaging the LED. I ended up buying a cheap soldering station from hobby king. I don't believe in cheap tools, this must be the exception of the rule. This must be the best $20 I've ever spent. Not sure how accurate the temp adjustments are...and not sure I care..I'm not a pro..It doesn't even compare with what I had.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2016
  18. And this a video of my diy wavemaker box in action, the other compartment of the algae scrubber box.
    WARNING: Creepy hairy doll with blue eyes

    I've also guided the wire of the wavemaker's pump via the Beananimal 3rd pipe (the emergency one). So no wires are coming out of the box. The water flow was not affected in the 3rd pipe ..according to my tests.

    Here is the box with the cap on:

    P.S: That's just temp light.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2016
  19. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    LOL that is kind of creepy. Definitely not reef safe
  20. :) For sure..but there is only fresh water in that tank. That's the only idea I had to simulate a coral in action. My daughter is asking for her doll back every time she passes by.. .unfortunately.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2016
    danmgray likes this.

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