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My New L3-HF ATS

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mike185, Nov 7, 2014.

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  1. Mike185

    Mike185 Member Customer

    Hi Bud,

    I installed my new L3-HF a few days ago. I primarily relied on your You Tube video for how to do it. I am a complete klutz, but found the installation process pretty easy.

    I was initially concerned about being able to fit the ATS on top of my 40 gallon sump in a Marineland Monterra sump, which has about 28" of head room. Turned out to be a non-issue. The ATS fits comfortably on top of the sump, and there is plenty of room to remove the screen (and the entire ATS) for maintenance. Plus, there is plenty of room to remove the collection cup of an Aquamaxx Cone S 3 skimmer for daily maintenance and a Phosban reactor for weekly maintenance.

    I was very impressed by the more than professional quality of the product and each component.

    I obviously screwed up on providing you with the measurements you requested for my 40 gallon sump as the screws at the end of each of the stand pieces you sent me are a few inches beyond the sides of the tank. But the stands are still very sturdy.

    Lights are now on for 8.5 hours at night. I went with a Rio 2100 pump, dialed way back for now. (Being an optimist, I’m anticipating incredibly thick screens of algae and want to be prepared to provide the flow required at that point.) Flow does not completely cover the screen yet, but I will wait to get some growth and dial the pump in accordingly. Love the union connection for the pump -- should make it a lot easier to remove the whole ATS unit for cleaning if necessary.

    No problem with bubbles exiting ATS so did not need to use the filter sock. Also I’m not yet using an extension pipe on the secondary drain because the main drain is handling entire flow, and if that changes, I want to be able to hear it.

    I’ll check back in 4-8 weeks from now (with pics) to report on the ATS's maturation.

    So far, I could not be happier with this product.


    Turbo and Matt Berry like this.
  2. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    Unless I hosed up a measurement!!
  3. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    Should have been 16-3/8" inner dim on the sump (so the crossbar should be around 16") and the 40B outer dim is 18-1/4 so the top bar should be 20-1/4", with the thumbscrews 1/2" in from the end. The top bar should hang out exactly 1" from the edge of the sump in each direction. There is supposed to be a bit of wiggle room, if I make them too "tight" then I risk them not fitting and having to re-make them.

    Check those dims to make sure tho...
  4. Mike185

    Mike185 Member Customer

    Yeah, I'll be sure to check the dims. Not!! The support beams work very well. Obviously, if there is any problem with the measurements, who is likely to be at fault? A customer with the mechanical skills of a gibbon or a Homo sapiens sapiens engineer?

    All seriousness aside, I was peeking at screen today and it has a light coating of brown fuzz one week after installation. So far so good.
  5. Mike185

    Mike185 Member Customer

    OK, after 7 days, here's what I got, front and back:



  6. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    Very good start. The slime growth coverage is normal, you can just swipe your palm across the screen and give it a light rinse to get rid of any loose growth, then I would let it grow for at least 10 days before repeating
  7. Mike185

    Mike185 Member Customer

    Two weeks after installation:



    Stuff on screen is darker than in photo.

    I rinsed screen off in bucket of DT water and gently swiped it with my fingertips to remove loose gunk. Seems like a lot of gunk came off.

    Guess I should keep on going as is and wait to increase water flow and/or photoperiod?


  8. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    Correct, it will just take time to start going green
  9. Mike185

    Mike185 Member Customer

    Question and observation:

    I assume I should continue with skimming (Aquamaxx Cone 3), GFO (cup changed weekly), and limited carbon dosing (45 ml of vinegar per gallon of kalkwasser top off) at least until I'm scraping green from the ATS screen?

    Over past week, there is a lot more schmutz (of all sizes and shapes) floating around the DT. I see the fish lunging at some of it from time to time, and I'm guessing the coral are not unhappy with this floating smorgasbord. I've also noticed that the skimmer is increasing production of skimmate. The schmutz is not causing any problems with nuisance algae or with health of anything in DT as far as I can tell. So is this part of the ATS process or is it something I should be concerned about?


  10. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    Any changes should be made gradually, that includes the addition of the scrubber. Fortunately, the scrubber ramps up gradually on its own.

    As for the vinegar/kalk, if you are dissolving your kalk powder in the vinegar prior to mixing with the water, this (IIRC) makes more calcium available in the kalkwasser so I'm not sure I would back that off. If you are mixing the kalkwasser first then adding the vinegar, that's actually different (again, IIRC). But I would have to review an article on it again to tell you for sure.

    If you were dosing vinegar or vodka directly into the tank I would say that you would want to back that off, but not a steady dose in the top off, or at least not as much. At this point though, I would just keep your dosing regimen as it has been and see what happens with the scrubber growth. It may take longer to start growing, but the goal here is low nutrients in the water and no nuisance algae in the DT - not growing gobs of algae on the scrubber.

    If you end up only needing to clean the scrubber every 14 days, that's fine. Even longer is OK, as long as the tank is doing well.

    Same with skimming, I would leave it on for now. The skimmer can also help a lot with gas exchange. Skimmate increase, not sure about that, could be many reasons for this...but if the only change you made was adding the scrubber, then what could be happening is that the algae growing on it is creating a place for bacteria to populate, and since it is a growing substrate, the bacterial population grows with it. Combine this with the vinegar in the kalkwasser and you might be seeing a bacterial bloom of sorts, and this is kicking the skimmer into a higher gear. Another reason to leave the skimmer in place.

    The schmutz you see might be some of the gooey algae on the scrubber detaching. Are you running the filter sock on the drain? If not, I would add it. I include half a dozen tip ties, 4 of them for the tubing, and 2 of them for hanging the filter sock on the valve handle of the ball valve - mainly for bubble trapping, but you can also use it as it is designed - to filter :)

    Hope that helps. Keep us updated
  11. Mike185

    Mike185 Member Customer


    Vinegar dosing is just as you described -- 45 ml per gallon of ATO allows for 1.5 x kalkwasser. So I'll keep on keeping on, then.

    I'm actually thinking the schmutz is a good thing -- the fish are definitely enjoying it and I'm pretty sure the coral will too. So I'll be holding off on deploying any filter socks for now.

  12. Mike185

    Mike185 Member Customer

    30 days after installation, here are the front and back of my screen:



    Looks pretty good to me. I rinsed it in SW from DT today and stroked my finger over screen to remove loose algae. Also scraped away growth on bottom of screen and directly under the black holder on top of the screen.

    Still at 8.5 hr photo-period and have not increased flow rate since installation.

    How thick should the algae mat get before I start scraping?


  13. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    That's great growth for 1 month in! You can probably scrape it now, or wait 7 days, but since you haven't scraped yet I wouldn't wait longer than 7 days. If you need to reduce nutrients badly, I would bump the photoperiod up to maybe 10-11 hours
  14. Mike185

    Mike185 Member Customer

    Good. I'll scrape it this weekend when I'm doing water change and will boost photo-period by 30 minutes to 9 hours.

    I have to test for potassium to see whether the ATS is depleting it.

  15. Mike185

    Mike185 Member Customer

    No idea what potassium levels were before firing up ATS, but after month of ATS, potassium tested at 380 with Salifert kit, about 20 ppm below NSW. Dosed 10 ml of Zeovit's K-Balance (a potassium solution that I had left over from my unsuccessful Zeovit experiment). No idea how much potassium is in K-Balance (since mfr. keeps that info a secret) but I'll test weekly now and adjust dose as necessary.

    Scraped screen yesterday. Result was 4.3 grams of squeeze-dried bright green algae, weighed with AWS DIA-20 electronic scale. I did not do a "heavy" scrape -- wanted to make sure there was still a fair amount of algae on screens for future growth. Also did not try to capture considerable amount of algae collected in small container of DT water from rinsing screens before and after scraping. Next time I'll collect it with brine shrimp net and add to the ball.

    Here are pics of scrapings:



    Next time I will take photo of ball o' scrapings on scale showing measured weight.

    Increased photoperiod from 8.5 to 9 hours. Noticed that steady drips from secondary drain had dried up, so nudged up flow from feed pump via ball valve until secondary drain was dripping again.

    DT looks great. I've increased feedings a bit -- now feed pinch of Blue Zoo mixed food or baby artemia plus four squares of nori in am plus cube of ff in pm. Only issues are small patches of GHA growing on sand in both corners. Nothing on rocks, which was where I had a problem due its infringement on coral. My plan is to start relocating Mexican Turbo snails onto on growth on sand and see what happens. God know the damn Tangs or Rabbitfish won't touch the stuff. If snails don't work, I'll just siphon it out during water changes and replace with new sand.

    Next question: I'm not sure how I'm going to manage lights when I remove ATS box for cleaning, as I eventually will have to do. I'm using the true union connection for pump so that should be an issue, but not sure what to do with lights. Are those waterproof automotive connections "quick disconnect"?



  16. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    Yes, the connectors are the quick-disconnect style, you just grab both sides and use your thumb to pop up the clasp while pulling them apart.

    Generally speaking, I hardly every actually remove the box and do a full cleaning. I usually take one light off so I can see into the box, take out the screen, remove the false bottom, then use the toothbrush to swipe around the bottom corners and get the loose algae out and call it good. I think it has been 6 months since I did a full cleaning of a unit, and longer than that since I did a vinegar cleaning, but it wouldn't hurt to do that once you start to notice some coralline buildup on the false bottom (that's usually after about 6 months or more)

    Right idea on the "light" cleaning. Another thing you can try is scraping the screen in a criss-cross pattern on one side and tic-tac-toe on the other

  17. Mike185

    Mike185 Member Customer

    Good to know the connectors are quick-disconnect and that full cleaning can go for 6 months or until coralline build up. Makes life a lot easier.

    I'll try the criss-cross/tic-tac-toe scraping patterns on my next cleaning, thanks.

    One unexpected result of ATS: my skimmer has never produced more filth. I get a few inches of dark brown crud every other day now.

    So far could not be happier with my Turbo ATS. Money well spent. Set it and forget it. Harvest nutrients once a week with minimum of effort. Allows increased feedings. Have not looked for them yet, but I'm anticipating enough boost in pod population to support, at long last, a mandarin goby. Fits easily on top of my 40 gallon sump and can be moved back and forth to allow easy access to FF, reactor, return pumps, etc. Opposite light cycle from DT should help smooth pH swings. My only regret is that I did not spring for largest model (L4-HF). Currently have the L3 on my 180. But planning on moving the L3 to my 75 and get me a L4 for the 180.

    Turbo likes this.
  18. Mike185

    Mike185 Member Customer

    No pics this week, but scrapings from screen were at least 2x last week’s.

    Noticed pretty thick growth of GHA beneath screen, on and under the removable bottom. I took ATS to sink and scrubbed all this growth out. Wondering if there is a probable cause for this growth (like too much or too little flow)?

    Also, getting increasing growth of GHA on substrate despite excellent results from ATS, good production from skimmer, and use of GFO. I’m thinking it’s possible that GHA has been escaping from ATS so I will now put filter sock under outlet of ATS. I will also cut feedings back to pre-ATS level.
  19. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    I never really scrub out the box, well at least not more often than every 6 months. Just remove the false bottom, and take the denture toothbrush (blue/green one) and swipe it around the bottom corners, the brushes do a pretty good job of grabbing and algae.

    Also the algae will grow long and extend around the corners of the false bottom, so it might not actually be that it's growing under there, more that it is growing "to" there

    If I was a big fan of SM's phosphate theory I would say your growth on the substrate is a result of nutrient leeching. i.e. lowering water column nutrients and this causing "flow...." Give it some time and see if that goes away.
  20. Mike185

    Mike185 Member Customer

    Turbo said:

    "I never really scrub out the box, well at least not more often than every 6 months. Just remove the false bottom, and take the denture toothbrush (blue/green one) and swipe it around the bottom corners, the brushes do a pretty good job of grabbing and algae.

    Also the algae will grow long and extend around the corners of the false bottom, so it might not actually be that it's growing under there, more that it is growing "to" there."

    In my case, I removed the false bottom to scrub the algae off and noticed an even thicker growth of GHA attached to real bottom of ATS. I definitely would not have felt comfortable swiping it with a brush without removing it from sump as it would have resulted in a LOT of GHA being dumped into sump. I"m thinking I'm doing something wrong to encourage this growth, like too much or too little flow, etc.? Any thoughts on this?

    Turbo said:

    "If I was a big fan of SM's phosphate theory I would say your growth on the substrate is a result of nutrient leeching. i.e. lowering water column nutrients and this causing "flow...." Give it some time and see if that goes away."

    Yeah, I agree that SM's phosphate theory is, at the very least, suspect. OTOH, I'm surprised at the thick growth I'm getting on the screen and bottom of the ATS, even with limited flow and reduced (9 hr.) photoperiod. And even with aggressive skimming and use of GFO, and phosphates/NO3 testing at zero, there is obviously still a lot of nutrients in tank.

    In any event, I'll be removing the GHA on the substrate during weekly water changes and will see how it goes. Given the very thick green growth on the ATS screen, I am also thinking of harvesting every 5 or 6 days, rather than once a week. Do you think this would help control GHA in DT?

    Very minor update: I dosed 10 ml of Zeovit K Balance phosphorous additive last week, but K levels remain at 380 ppm , about 20 ppm lower than NSW, so I'll double dose K Balance after WC tomorrow.

    Thanks for your help,


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