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New Santa Monica RAIN2 Algae Scrubber

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Barry Friedman, Jan 17, 2019.

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  1. So i scraped it and this is what it looked like. Very little.

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  2. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    That growth looks a ton better than the last few sets of pics. You're doing it right, I'm assuming that you rinse out the screen after scraping under tap water for a while also?
  3. this is 10 days in this new schedule. Still getting the hard green growth not hair. and what are these orange spots????

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  4. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    Orange circles could be areas that grew thick enough to block light and then there was a bit of detachment, so the orange is kind of like where the growth is starting over, not 100% sure that's what it is but that is my guess

    Honestly I'm not a big fan of the 3D printed screens. I haven't tried one myself but I've seen & felt them. I'm just not sold on them being the best material, but I don't think that's necessarily the cause of any of the issues you're having getting the screen going. The orange spots, maybe. From what I saw with the 3D printed screen I looked at (it was a long time ago and I didn't look at it under a microscope) it seems like any 3D printed material has a smoothness to it that is inherent to the way 3D printing works, while at the same time it has pores, but I would expect that at a microscopic level, even the pores are smooth.

    I'm still actually trying to find a better screen material, the plastic canvas has sort of the same issue - even when you rough it up, it's still a bunch of shredded up smooth plastic, but the algae does seem to anchor to it well over time, so this might be the same thing with the 3D printed screens - over time, they are fine. So I have refrained from slamming on them as I have no solid basis to poo-poo them completely.

    When Paul Baldassano (Paul B on R2R) posted about making the mortar screen, that's when I dove in and started making those. It's a simple solution and it works very well - the mortar, once cured, is extremely rough and porous, so algae attaches to it easily relative to any other material I've tried. Plus it's super cheap and simple.
  5. So this is after harvest, the bright orange spots have gotten bigger, what does this mean and how do inprevent it. I did brush that part out completely.

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  6. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    I'm honestly a bit perplexed, it looks like the screen is bare in that area where the orange used to be. Is this pic after you scrubbed the growth off?
  7. Yes after i scrubed it. I took off the the orange parts completely.
  8. Its still getting lighter every round now any sugesttions??? And my nitrates are riseing.

    Phosphates: 0.02. Nitrates: 15 - 20

    I did raise my light intensity in my display tank over thr last few weeks think thatbhas anything to do with that?

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  9. Intersting what your saying about the iron becaused i tested my water today and the iron was very low. What level would u say i should dose to? And would that make it grow better?
  10. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    Iron is highly reactive and nearly impossible to sustain at measurable levels in a reef tank. SM did an experiment once to see how much iron he could dose a 90g tank before it essentially killed everything in the tank. That turned out, IIRC, to be about 1/2 gallon in one shot.

    I believe it was Kent Iron & Manganese he was dosing but I could be wrong about that. People will also buy iron supplements and crush them up and dissolve them to dose iron. I can't remember the exact brand but that does matter, Fe++ or something like that. I might have a thread here about it
  11. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

  12. So what are u saying i shouldnt supplement?
  13. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    No, I'm saying the test is not really relevant since Iron gets depleted fast. You can add it, it should boost algae growth which might give the scrubber a bit of a kick-start. But it's difficult to say if that kick-start will continue after you stop dosing.
  14. trivodi

    trivodi Member

    I had this happen to me, the yellow stuff. It's because you are giving it too much light not enough phosphate. Hair algae in my opinion loves phosphate more than nitrate. I bet You still have hair in the display and growing yellow mush on the screen.

    I would unplug one light and run the other one only for maybe 8, 9 hours a day, basically making it one sided scrubber until it greens up.

    At some point it will. Then do a light harvest , scrape off the middle, leave the sides uncraped and turn back the second light for 8, 9 hours and see how it goes.

    If you leave both lights like it is then dose phosphate by hand like seachem phosphate for freshwater tanks and bring it up to .05 .07 you will have nice green algae on both sides. I 've done it myself
  15. trivodi

    trivodi Member

    How's the scrubber, still using it?

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