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On my way to hair algae heaven!!:)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Maximus, Mar 11, 2015.

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  1. Maximus

    Maximus Member Customer

    I thought I would post my first algae sightings on my L2 after only 9 days of setup time. Let me know what you guys think!



    Matt Berry likes this.
  2. Maximus

    Maximus Member Customer

    Btw, do you think the algae above is a type of hair algae?
  3. Garf

    Garf Member Trusted Member

    May be a Filamentous diatom, but a sure precursor to GHA even if it isn't at the minute :)
  4. Maximus

    Maximus Member Customer

    Sounds good, Garf. I just "cleaned" my screen for the 1st time today in exactly 2 weeks. I took off some rogue strands of chaeto ( all chaeto was taken out before adding the L2), and swiped a little bit with my palm. Interestingly enough, nothing really came off. The algae looks well embedded within the canvas. I did notice 3-4 small patches of dark green algae. I wish I could have remembered to zoom in and take a pic but I forgot. I left those alone hoping they continue to grow. Here are a couple pics I took:


    Turbo likes this.
  5. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    That's good that nothing came off, that means you are not growing any slime or diatoms anymore, if you even were. Great startup!!
  6. Maximus

    Maximus Member Customer

    Thanks Bud. Yeah, I definitely did not see any slime algae or diatoms. Should I ramp up my water flow? I also remembered to install the false bottom this time:).
  7. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    I'd leave it the same for now
  8. Maximus

    Maximus Member Customer

    Ok, will do.
  9. Maximus

    Maximus Member Customer

    I had to take a peek today at the algae and discovered that those small, dark green patches of algae have grown. Here is a pic taken a few min ago. This is 4 days after my first initial minimal cleaning. It's obvious that the dark green patches have grown. Do you think they are patches of turf algae?


  10. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    Yes, well, GHA which technically is turf but not in the classic sense.
  11. Maximus

    Maximus Member Customer

    Sounds good, Bud. When do you think I should increase the photo period?
  12. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    Not until you get growth like that over the whole screen that you need to scrape off, and then about half of the holes are still filled with algae
  13. Maximus

    Maximus Member Customer

    Ok, sounds like I'm at least a month away then.:)
  14. Maximus

    Maximus Member Customer

    It's now been 12 days since my last cleaning (26 total days since the ATS has been up) and here are a couple pics:


  15. Maximus

    Maximus Member Customer

    Here's a pic of the other side. Sorry it's not as clear as the other pics. I think the ATS is doing great considering I don't have any fish in there now. I had to pull the fish as one of them came down with ich and they are all in my quarantine tank. The tank will be left fallow for 10 weeks and the fish will go in May 1st. I still feed the tank pellets every few days and dose amino acids, Reef Roids, Reef Chili and Oyster Feast a few times a week. I can't imagine what the growth rate of the algae will be like once I put the fish back in! Any idea when I should increase my photoperiod? I'm currently at 9 hrs.

  16. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    If you have no fish, are you just feeding the corals? I would probably cut back on the photoperiod and only feed the tank per the coral load. With little fish waste being produced, you could end up over-lighting. But that should be a slow effect.

    You might also scrape off the clumps of growth to let more of the screen fill in. If you let thick growth like that go more than 16-18 days, that's when you start risking some die-off.
  17. Maximus

    Maximus Member Customer

    Yes, I'm basically feeding the corals. Ok, I will definitely scrape off most of the clumps this weekend and leave the photoperiod alone. Do you think fish waste or food added to the tank is more responsible for turf algae growth?
  18. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    Usually it's fish waste, i.e. urea. It takes longer for rotting food to break down. Corals will excrete waste also but not in the volume of fish, unless you have a lot of coral and heavily target feed.
  19. Maximus

    Maximus Member Customer

    Makes sense, thanks Bud. I'll clean off the algae this weekend and will take more pics and post them.
  20. Maximus

    Maximus Member Customer

    I cleaned the screen for the 2nd time and I definitely have hair algae growth! Considering that I have zero fish in my tank now, I think it's impressive. I can't imagine when I put my fish back in and really start feeding my tank. Here are a few pics I just took today. This is 16 days after my first light cleaning.

    Before cleaning:


    After cleaning:

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