1. **This is a reference section**

    This area is designated for posting links to anything algae scrubber related

    Any discussion should be in new thread in the General Discussion sub-forum

Search forums for Scrubber Threads! Please Read This!

Discussion in 'Algae Scrubber Thread Links' started by Turbo, Jul 17, 2013.

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  1. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    I have a rather lofty goal: Create a one-stop point for locating threads about algae scrubbers.

    If you are active on a particular forum - be that a local/regional club forum, a major "worldwide" forum, a major international forum, etc - burn some time and help out with this effort!

    Use your forum's Search function and enter various terms, locate the threads, and copy/paste the links here. I will compile and organize lists into a larger collective database and will try to keep it updated.

    I'm looking for it all. Good, bad, ugly, successes, failure, hate threads, praise threads, DIY, purchased, I don't care - nothing will get deleted, even if it's slamming on my products. It's all valuable to anyone thinking about this topic. I'm all about the truth, and if the truth hurts, that's the way it is.

    I asked Santa Monica to post links to all of the UAS threads when he first posted the design, and he wouldn't, claiming it would provide "fuel for the haters" or something like that.

    Here are a list of possible search terms you might use (broken out individually for easy copy & paste action)

    algae scrubber
    algal scrubber
    algea scrubber (misspellings are common)
    algae turf scrubber
    algal turf scrubber
    algea turf scrubber
    turf scrubber
    upflow scrubber
    upflow algae scrubber
    HOG scrubber (and all iterations below)
    hog.5 scrubber
    hog0.5 scrubber
    hog1 scrubber
    hog1.0 scrubber
    hog1x scrubber
    SURF scrubber

    Then there are the Santa Monica threads that are all over the place. These generally go back to about 2008 with the "Mega" threads. I would also like to capture these threads from all over (I have already started, got through a few pages of Google on the 1st and 2nd one, but typically the local/regional threads slip through the search cracks)

    These are typically found with the following type titles:

    Lowest cost and easiest way to eliminate green hair, bubble, turf and slime algae
    Mega Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything
    Mega Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover
    Mega Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover - DIY!

    I've found it best to search for this:

    Mega Powerful Nitrate

    It catches all the rest. Mega and Lowest posts will also be added to the sticky thread posts for those topics (you can add them there, or I will copy/paste them later)

    Feel free to start a thread and try to follow this format:

    Prefix: Select a prefix from the drop-down box within the Thread Title entry field. Select "Other" if there is not an appropriate one listed and then list it in the title, and I will change it later or add another prefix.

    Title of thread = Forum Name. Name of forum under which the threads are found (like "Alabama Reef Club" or "Salt City Aquarists").

    First line of first post = Copy/paste the standard text in the code box below, then paste the link to main page of site and/or forum.


    **This is a reference section**
    This area is designated for posting links to anything algae scrubber related
    Any discussion should be in new thread in the General Discussion sub-forum



    This text is mainly so that if someone finds this page via direct link (and they don't see the Sticky topic) they know what the thread is there for. Also helps on mobile devices using Tapatalk, as the Notice at the top of each thread within this sub-forum is not visible to them.

    Body of subsequent posts = copy/paste links. If you can, also copy the title of the thread and put that first

    Once a thread is started, then anyone else can add links to that thread that they also find in that particular forum

    Thanks ahead of time for all that can contribute
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2014
  2. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    PS after just scratching the surface on a few sites local to me, I have found that this is a huge task. I find that either I am just copying and pasting links without even reading the threads, or I end up reading through the thread to see what they've done.

    I could spend weeks on this. Anyone else willing to contribute?!?!?

    I can't wait to see what this section looks like in a few months....
  3. Garf

    Garf Member Trusted Member

    To save duplication, I'll do the European ones.
  4. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    Got the first post started on marinefish-UK and Ultimate Reef
  5. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    I have google alerts set up for a few different algae scrubber related searches. I've been saving them up :eek: and I'll be trying to go through them and posting the links here. I get maybe 1-3 links per day. Better to take of this task in small chunks...
    tedlietz likes this.
  6. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    I've added a prefix setting for this sub-forum, so if you start a new thread here you will see a drop-down "Prefix" box in the entry field for the title with various country options. Select the appropriate one, if there is not one for the country in question, select "Other" and list it in the title, and I will add the prefix and edit the title.

    For the other information in the posts above, I'm going to look into hard-coding this into the header for each thread in this section. So just paste in the main link to the site in question in your first post, and then for each subsequent link in the thread try to post the thread title followed my the link below, and feel free to comment on what the thread is about or whatever you feel...
  7. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    Worked my way backwards through my Google Alerts through June 1...lots of links!!

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