Hello Bud, Sharing a first look at my L2 Rev4 Setup. It has been running for 14days. The first 7 days I had running at 50% for 12hrs on and 12hrs off. Didn't see any growth until I raised the intensity to the 6:00 clock position. I left the duration the same 12 on and 12 off. I saw growth on the 9th day and here is the growth on the 14th day. I raise the intensity to 7:00 clock today after lightly cleaning the screen. Please let me know if this method is the right steps to seeing awesome growth?
Here is the screen after 7 days with some growth and after cleaning. Shot 1 - clean screen Shot 2-3 - screen with 7 days of growth.
Looking good! For clarification: 6 o'clock is roughly 50%. 7 o'clock is less intense. The potentiometer is a radio taper pot, turning clockwise lowers the intensity. Turning counter-clockwise raises the intensity. With that growth, turn to 4 o'clock and run 18 hrs/day, if not longer
Bud, You are correct. Let me append that, it is turned to 5 o' clock position. So 4 o' clock and up the time. I will do that. Thank you.