I have a 280 gallon tank, what scrubber would I need and what pump would I need ? What would this cost total with shipping to Australia?
Hey Dean, I got your email and FB post - my apologies for the late reply, I've been extremely busy for the last 3 weeks basically shutting down (for the most part) my engineering firm (day job) and becoming the only employee. 12+ hour days, I've basically been offline for a few weeks straight. I will get back to you, I've got a few other very much high priorities including paid orders that are a month overdue for shipping. Your best bet regarding order questions is to submit a support ticket: https://www.turbosaquatics.com/ordering.html
The short answer is probably an L4 but read this article and consider your specific setup: Choosing a scrubber size For the pump, scroll to the bottom third of this article: Rev 4 Turbo Algae Scrubber Availability and Pricing Price for an L4 is $549. Shipping to AU for an L4 is going to be about $120-130