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Steve's L2

Discussion in 'Customer Support' started by data_loss, Nov 29, 2012.

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  1. data_loss

    data_loss New Member Customer

    Going to start with a progression post, details will follow later as I have time.

    Week 1
    Week 2
    Week 3
    Week 4
    Week 5
    Week 6
    Week 7
    Week 8
    Week 9 - 14 days growth


    Week 10

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 12, 2013
  2. data_loss

    data_loss New Member Customer

    Week 11 - 14 days growth


    Those bumbs are the first real sign I've seen of any kind of "3D" growth. Yay for bumps.

    Cleaned screen.

    Nitrates @ 8
    Phosphates @ .02

    Still having to clean the display tank glass and rocks every couple of days. Thinking about adding another powerhead to the display tank to up the flow to see if that slows down growth on the rocks and sandbed.

    I am going to do another round of larger water changes, 3 @ 30 gallons each this week. I'd like to get the Nitrates down to below 4ppm.

    Lighting this last couple weeks has been 4 hours on 4 hours off repeating. I have observed decent, if not better, growth using this cycle. No way to tell if it was due to the lighting change or the screen maturing more.

    Plan from now on is to keep the 4 hour on 4 hour off lighting and to clean only one side of the screen every seven days.
  3. Garf

    Garf Member Trusted Member

    Good progress. Hope the one sided screen cleaning shows dividends, certainly done my screen no harm.
  4. data_loss

    data_loss New Member Customer

    Week 12 - a day late - 8 days growth



    Cleaned one side, letting the other go 14 days.

    Nitrates @ 8
    Phosphates @ .02
  5. data_loss

    data_loss New Member Customer

    Week 13

    14 days growth side

    6 days growth side

    Cleaned 14 days growth side

    Nitrates @ 8
    Phosphates @ 0

    I'm probably feeding 3 maybe even 4 cubes per day some days. I still get quite a bit of algae growth in the display tank and frag tank. I'm thinking about shortening the light cycle on both just a bit.

    When I have time to switch around some plumbing I'm going to try injecting bubbles on the screen just for fun.

    While I still haven't had the results that I'm looking for, which is this scrubber to out-compete the algae in the display and frag tanks, each week the screen has been better than the last for as long as it has been setup. My tank has never looked healthier, and my nitrates and phosphates are not out of control.
  6. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    You're feeding quite a bit and your screen is mature, I would switch to a solid 14 hour photo period or 6 hours on 2 hours off, repeating (that would give you 18 hours/day).
  7. Garf

    Garf Member Trusted Member

    Is this 3 or 4 cubes of what I would call "metric" cubes (which most of us have based our sizing on), or 3 or 4 cubes of "Santa Monica Cubes".
  8. data_loss

    data_loss New Member Customer

    I guess I have been counting a cube as a single cube of frozen coming from the common trays the food comes in or a somewhat similarly sized piece broken off a frozen sheet or an eyeballed pinch of pellets. Perhaps I should be more careful with my feeding :rolleyes:

    Which type of cube would this be more similar to? Is there a post about cube sizes I should re-read?
  9. data_loss

    data_loss New Member Customer

    I'll plan on upping the hours at some point. I like to change one thing at a time though so I can see the effect better. Right now I'm still watching for the effects of alternating cleaning one side every 14 days.

    Thanks Bud :D
  10. Garf

    Garf Member Trusted Member

  11. data_loss

    data_loss New Member Customer

    Week 15

    Nitrates @ 6
    Phosphates @ .02

    Here is what I am dealing with in my display. I am hoping the scrubber eventually kicks this.


    From what I now understand, this is cyano, and I'm thinking I might try a 3 days and nights lights out while I leave the scrubber going.
  12. Garf

    Garf Member Trusted Member

    Is the green stuff (cyano or whatever it is) the reason you started scrubbing or is it a recent development. Either way I would put a bag of carbon in, and/or run a skimmer. Is your system pH stable or low, or does it fluctuate a lot?
  13. data_loss

    data_loss New Member Customer

    I had kicked this a while back with a GFO reactor but my nitrates kept going up and up. I started the scrubber to keep nitrates in check. I stopped the GFO when I started the scrubber and the cyano came back almost immediately. I could definitely hook up a reactor with carbon in it again, I haven't done that in a while. I've never run a skimmer on this system.

    My pH fluctuates quite a bit. I could probably level this out a bit if I ran the scrubber for a longer period at night instead of on the 4 hour on/off schedule. Here is a graph from the apex.
  14. Garf

    Garf Member Trusted Member

    That's a smart plot of pH. I would work on getting this to 8.1 to 8.2. Increase aeration if poss (always easier than messing with additives). This reduces the available Co2 in the tank and makes life a lot harder for it. Your screen is taking a long time to really get going, and I'm wondering wether this is due to the quantity of this green stuff in your display. It may in fact be having an opposite effect to what I have hypothesised an a different thread. Putting a bag of carbon in should help, if this is indeed the case.
  15. data_loss

    data_loss New Member Customer

    Week 17 1/2 (3 days late)

    17 days growth side
    10 days growth side


    First cleaning where it was actually worth taking a 3d picture [​IMG]

    A LOT more growth this cleaning. Not sure if it is the extra 3 days or if something else is going on. I haven't done a water change in 3 weeks. I'll update this post later with test results, been too busy to maintain the tank at all lately [​IMG]

    Nitrates @ 6
    Phosphates @ .02
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2013
  16. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    Increase flow if you can. Also your screen is very mature, you might try taking the diffuser off of one side and seeing what happens. Or not - leave well enough alone :)
  17. data_loss

    data_loss New Member Customer

    I think to get any more flow through the scrubber I'd have to switch out the barbed fitting with the larger one like we talked about, I still haven't gotten to that yet. I also haven't gotten around to putting bubbles on the screen, I'd like to give that a try at some point. Neat idea taking the diffuser off one side, I could always make sure to put the side that is on its second week towards the LEDs without the diffuser.

    At this point I'm just tinkering for the sake of tinkering. The scrubber seem to be doing great, thanks bud :)
  18. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    Oh, are you still running the 5/8" elbow and hose? Dang man, I should have sent you one.
  19. Redfish

    Redfish Member Customer

    My questions: Haven't ordered my Scrubber yet, working on that, but am on here doing some reading trying to learn something. First off, Data Loss, looks like you have a nice looking tank. Ok, now onto what I am not understanding here :) Data loss is using an L2 scrubber on his tank, which the way I understand, will remove (once the Scrubber is seasoned properly) the Phosphates from two cubes per day. Data loss is feeding 4 cubes per day and is not running any GFO and counting on the Scrubber and water changes to remove the Phosphates. When you clean one side of the screen, its seems to me, the way I understand it, you will only be taking out one cube per day, until the algae starts to re grow on that side of the screen that you just cleaned, but by then you will be cleaning the other side of the screen and the Scrubber will be back down to taking out the phosphate from one cube, so, the way I see it, Data Loss is way undersized with the Scrubber he is running for the amount of food he is feeding his tank. So educate me, what am I getting wrong here? Also, why do you have to shut the Scrubber down a few hours a day, then turn it back on for a few more hours?
  20. data_loss

    data_loss New Member Customer

    Yes I am undersized on my scrubber with my current feeding habits. At some point in the future I will be setting up a larger scrubber because I want to feed even more. In the meantime I figure I'll see how far I can push the L2 :)

    Only scraping one side a week is a strategy to improve overall growth and harvest. I guess the only way to know if it is really working or if I am actually halving the nutrient export would be to weigh each harvest. I do think that by letting each side grow another week and alternating harvest that I have seen a significant increase in growth on both sides.

    I no longer alternate 3 hours on and 3 hours off. That was an effort to make sure the algae wasn't burning as the screen matured. When I switched to one straight photoperiod it seemed to help now that the screen is mature.

    Its also worth noting that I think my scrubber is actually limited by phosphates as they always test fairly low while my nitrates wont come down any further unless I do a water change.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2013

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