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Sumpless scrubber

Discussion in 'Customer Support' started by SillySanj, Nov 27, 2021.

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  1. SillySanj

    SillySanj Member Customer

    Hey Bud,

    Been a while :)

    In you great mind.... will you be dabbling in possibly designing and building a hang on algae scrubber near future for us sumpless reefers?

  2. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    Always on the drawing board, still working on getting Rev 5 off the ground - first things first
    SillySanj likes this.
  3. SillySanj

    SillySanj Member Customer

    Hey Bud,

    What's the chances of being able to use Rev4 L2 mounted on a bracket in main display? I'm a little desperate for a scrubber as current crap one isn't doing it for me.

    Do you have anything in mind I can use?
  4. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    I have my L2 sitting on the top back corner of my tank, no bracket. It balances there nicely. I have an acrylic "overflow" box in the tank that holds the pump, it has teeth/notches on it like an overflow box. So the box supports the pump so that it doesn't hang off the scrubber and pull it out of balance. Been using that setup for about 4 years
  5. SillySanj

    SillySanj Member Customer

    What's the waiting time Bud? I think I'll need since current one has been on daily for 20 hours for last 3 /4 weeks and still nothing showing up on the mesh. This is even on the brightest light settings so think it's not strong enough.

    If poss to let me know waiting time and costs, thanks.
  6. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    Are you referring to your L2?
  7. SillySanj

    SillySanj Member Customer

    Yes, I have a 300 litre tank and will be feeding 1.5/2 cubes a day. Possible to have one of the units with dinks etc?
  8. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    My thought here is that you are over-lighting it. You don't want to run the lights at full power for a long daily duration until you have growth that can adsorb that much incoming light.

    Knock the photoperiod back to 8 hrs/day and the intensity back to the halfway point. Also remind me which version you have?

    Flow should be minimal, just enough to cover the screen. Too much flow is a problem when starting a screen up.

    Also, just checking, what is the condition of the screen? Meaning, was is active at one point and then you let it dry out, leaving a white crusty layer (like calcuim) behind?
  9. SillySanj

    SillySanj Member Customer

    Hey Bud,

    Part of my issue is I have very bad hair algae on a newly setup tank (3 months old) and it's almost a daily chore trying to removing it. My Evergrow lights are running on white and blue only at only 20% power.

    This is the ATS I purchased and it's not a waterfall type either -> https://www.marinemagic-online.com/?product=marine-magic-ultra-slim-algae-scrubber

    As for the screen, it's dry/new and I'm unable to "rough" it up since it's very thin and delicate. I tried when it arrived and felt like would break.
  10. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    Oh...gotcha. I thought you confirmed earlier that you were using an L2. Another strike against the MM scrubber I guess
  11. SillySanj

    SillySanj Member Customer

    Stupidly I sold my l2 rev 4 when I closed my tank down. During 2nd wave I decided to setup a downsize and purchase the current mm scrubber.
    If at all possible can you let me know waiting times for a full dink 2 rev4 with a accessories.

  12. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    I'll send you my most recent status update on your open ticket

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