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Tape as diffuser

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Lastpikd, Aug 13, 2015.

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  1. Lastpikd

    Lastpikd New Member

    hey guys,

    Just a quick question: can I use painters tape directly on the blue led's of my l2 scrubber? I'm getting a big ring where there is not much growth in front of the blue led's.

  2. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    Actually just use clear scotch tape, just a piece as long as it is wide. Maybe 2 layers. blue painters tape will trap the energy and heat up the acrylic, causing it to craze. I learned this by experience. Scotch tape is enough to knock down the intensity enough
  3. Lastpikd

    Lastpikd New Member

    Onto the next question: I have been reading about 0.2-0.3 phosphates on my Hanna checker since I started my tank and got the test. Algae growth in the tank is next to nothing. Scrubber is growing ok, but I don't think it's going to really get thick unless I start feeding more (1 cube a day
  4. Lastpikd

    Lastpikd New Member

    Fat fingered the post button....

    (~1 cube a day for 6 fish in a 60 gallon tank). Lights on the scrubber equals up to 12 in 3 hours on/ 4 off increments. I'm thinking about going 1 on/1 off this week and see how that goes. Am/nitrite/nitrate all are 0.

    I really would like to add some coral soon to add some color to my tank. I've got some phosban and a 2littlefishes reactor in my garage not being used and was thinking about setting this up. I just wanted to get some opinions on running a
    Reactor and the scrubber at the same time?
  5. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    0.2-0.3 is quite high. So the vial is pretty blue when you take it out? Not 0.02-0.03 - just checking

    Are you using RODI? Have you done any water changes since firing up the tank?

    What kind of rock do you have it in there? Have a pic of the tank, sump and scrubber growth?
  6. Lastpikd

    Lastpikd New Member

  7. Lastpikd

    Lastpikd New Member

    Just testing P right now. Results are 0.37ppm according to the checker.

    Rock is from another local reefer. He buys a lot of tear down tanks and then inspects the rocks closely to make sure there are no pests. He treats those rocks that do have pests. Once treated, they go into a tub with a heater, skimmer, and power head.

    I have not done any water changes since putting bringing the tank online about 1.5 months ago. I thought it was longer but my wife referenced it with events.

    Shoot... After finding out its only been less than 2 months I should probably just wait longer.
  8. Lastpikd

    Lastpikd New Member

    1 week, 1 day.

    Attached Files:

  9. Lastpikd

    Lastpikd New Member

    Other answers, yes I'm using ro/di that is 0 tds and the vials after the test are barely discernible if you aren't really paying attention. I do two vials, one is Dt water, one is Dt water with reagent shaken up prior to test so the checker does not reset on me mid test.
  10. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

  11. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    You could have rock that has a lot of built-up waste in it. That will lessen over time. I wouldn't worry too much about 0.37 phosphate though, just give it some time. It inevitable that you will get some phases of junk in the tank for the first 6 months, don't chase too many issues, just let nature take it's course and it will be doing better each month during the 6-12 month period.

    This spells it out pretty well too, #15

  12. Lastpikd

    Lastpikd New Member

    Ok, tank is fallow now due to ich. My question is how can I keep the scrubber "scrubbing" while I do not have fish to feed? Let me just note that during the last couple of weeks my lights have been 1 on/1 off for 12 hours and have not had much growth at all. I am still getting the bare spot in the center. I was feeding 1 cube a day, sometimes a bit more.
  13. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    I suppose you could dose ammonia, that is one of the preferred fuels for algae. As long as you kept it very very low, so that you wouldn't cause any issue with your rock. You could also make sure that your Potassium is plenty high, a least 400 if not double that (you can use potassium water softener salt, mix it up and then drip through dry GFO) as well as dosing iron
  14. Lastpikd

    Lastpikd New Member

    Just an update, even though my tank is fallow the scrubber is growing consistently. Last time I checked phosphates they were 0.05. November 14th is when I can move my fish out of QT and back into the tank. Im looking forward to really seeing this thing take off when I start feeding the tank regularly.

    Also, added a couple LPS recently from a fellow reefer. They are doing very well since I had them. I also got a BT anenome and it seems to be doing fine.
  15. Lastpikd

    Lastpikd New Member

    I finally got the time for the lights up to 18 hours and have been getting good growth in the 7 days between cleanings. Its not the emerald green hair algae but it the thicker yellowish color. Anyways, I was just wondering about photo period times. Right now, I do 1.5 hours on, .5 off throughout the day. Is it better to do longer chunks like 6 on, 2 off or 18 straight and then 6 off. Just want to get some opinions.

  16. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    It's a combination of intensity and duration, and available nutrients.

    If you're getting yellow growth, sounds like too long or too intense

    Are your N & P and DT algae under control?
  17. Lastpikd

    Lastpikd New Member

    No3 - 0 (api)
    P - 0.02 (Hanna)

    No algae in dt. I get a little on the glass that I scrape about 1 time a week but nothing that I would consider problematic.
  18. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    Question for you: you have the Rev 3 with the new LED boards and a Meanwell driver. Are you running the LED boards in the "high power" mode, or the "low power" mode?

    Low Power uses the splitters. High power doesn't. Let me know how you have it all connected
  19. Lastpikd

    Lastpikd New Member

    By splitters, are you talking about the Y connectors?
  20. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer


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