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Support Bracket for Turbo Algae Scrubbers

Discussion in 'Product Information' started by Turbo, Nov 7, 2013.

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  1. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    Update: go to post #15 for the current bracket design info:

    Support Bracket for Turbo Algae Scrubbers

    For the original design concept, click on the "Expand" text in the quoted section below

    Last edited: Apr 1, 2016
  2. SillySanj

    SillySanj Member Customer

    Hey Bud,

    Great idea.
    Looking for a custom one for my L2 as my baffle on one side is higher than the other. Can send you a pic if it's any good?

  3. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    Will do over the weekend - had a busier than expected week
  4. SillySanj

    SillySanj Member Customer

    Hey Bud,

    Need me to send you some photos and details on custom bracket I require? I have a strange sump cornered off in one angel and need to see what bracket I can place in first chamber.

    Here's a photo of the sump


    1st compartment is 9" across and as you can see the 1st baffle is lower about 5.5"
    Do you think you can do some magic and whip me up something?

  5. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    You could put the brackets at an angle parallel to the angled corner. That would cover on of the brackets. the other would not be able to extend over the back edge because it's pushed up against the cabinet (at least that's how it looks) so that's there the magic-whip-up comes into play...
  6. SillySanj

    SillySanj Member Customer

    Mr Bud,

    If I save my pennies enough for the new L2 HF model, can you include the bracket also? I'd like to go for the straight in and power on approach as it's not let me down previously.
  7. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

  8. SillySanj

    SillySanj Member Customer

    Cha-ching! you just made a sale :) I'll PM you my details now.

    Thanks Bud.

    My avatar is my welcoming face expression... doesn't work as to date :p
  9. How does the custom/separate brackets "allow for unit to be placed and removed without removal of drain plumbing and/or valves."? I do have a sump/stand that is very constricted and I would like to understand how this could help me move my L3 to that area.
  10. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    Wow I totally didn't reply to this question - sorry @fit!!!

    The brackets are independent, so if you have the scrubber sitting on them and disconnect the pump, you can "roll" the entire unit towards you until it is almost turned 90 degrees (or more, if you have emptied all the water from the unit) and then the drain plumbing will be pointing horizontally (away from you) and you can just slide the entire unit out of the sump area without disconnecting anything. You may still have to disconnect things after removal from the tank so you can set the unit down and clean it, but not necessarily. And if you do have to do so, at least you are not having to do that in the sump, which can be rather awkward and difficult to perform week in and week out.
  11. Robert

    Robert New Member

    Are you still selling these brackets?
  12. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    No, I am having a 2-piece extruded ABS bracket made, samples are en route and I will post pics when I have those and have determined they are good.
  13. jamreefer

    jamreefer New Member

    Will there be a waiting list or will you offer them to those who have received their new L2?

  14. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    Once I have these in stock, I'll have a lot - like 300 feet worth. Problem is, the samples came in today and they are unfortunately flimsy. I put an L2 on it and gave it a wiggle and it was like the Tacoma Narrows Bridge.

    Back to the drawing board. I may make some acrylic ones by hand to tide anyone over until I can re-engineer these....
  15. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    Since it will be a while until my custom ABS extruded brackets come to fruition, I will be making acrylic ones for anyone who is interested.

    Generally, they look like this:


    In the past I have put rubber on them to keep the scrubber in place, but the ones I will be making for the Rev 4 Scrubbers will have a foam strip instead. The bottom of the L2 has a waffle pattern for rigidity and this will "bite" into the foam, keeping it in place even more securely.


    These work exactly like the rendering in the 1st post of this thread, I just did away with all the extra thumbscrews and bonded everything together - much easier.

    The clear acrylic (bottom brace) would be about 1/4" shorter than the inner dimensions of the sump. The thumbscrews/nuts are positioned such that the gap between the bottom brace and the thumbscrew is about the width of the sump brace. So when you set this across your tank, you would not be able to rotate it because the brace would bind quickly. This prevents you from accidentally bumping one brace and it sliding out.

    Thumbscrew is just acting like a "tab" that hangs down. It does not "lock" on to anything. It's just an easy way to add a stop point, rather than permanently bonding on a block of acrylic (which could snap off easily)

    Here is a (poor quality) pic of these in use. I scoured all of my photos and for some reason...I can't find better ones!!! This is across a 40 Breeder used as a sump (holding a Rev 3 L4)


    The dims needed to make these are:

    Inner dimension of sump rim
    - eurobrace opening for an acrylic sump
    - trim-to-trim for a glass sump
    - however you look at this dimension, it's equal to the measurement of the largest rock you could pass by the trim/brace

    Outer dimension of sump rim
    - maximum outer measurement

    If it's an acrylic sump with an offset eurobrace, I would need to know the front and back eurobrace widths. When in doubt, a pic helps!

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